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Live Oak Theatre and Conservatory Expands its Classes to Include Music Theory and Chorale

With the addition of Riley Mantonya to the conservatory faculty, Live Oak now offers music theory and chorale. Ms. Mantonya will teach these two classes in addition to offering private instruction in piano and violin. Ms. Mantonya has a large following and it is advisable to reserve spots early.

About the two group classes:

Music Theory (1 Credit) - An introductory course to music theory, history and performance. Students will explore music's various functionalities in order to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for all types of music. We recommend this course for all students taking private lessons. Monday: 4:00 – 4:50pm

Chorale (1 credit) – Ages 13+, Chorale is an exceptional ensemble for male and female vocalists who are serious about singing. Music of many styles and languages will be performed.

Monday: 7:00 – 7:50pm

Private lessons are taught between the two classes on Mondays.

Cost of classes at the Live Oak Conservatory is determined on a “credit basis.” Extensive information is provided on the Live Oak Theatre & Conservatory website. Visit

To contact the Live Oak Conservatory email or call 352-593-0270. Follow us on Facebook at

Attached photo: Riley Mantonya

About Riley Mantonya

Riley has been playing the piano since the first grade, and the violin since the second grade. She has been teaching private music lessons since she was 14 years old and has been involved in several community choirs and orchestras. While still in middle school, she served as first violin in the pit orchestra of Live Oak’s Fiddler on the Roof. Riley was, literally, the sound of “the fiddler.”

She received her bachelor's degree in music performance/education from Heartland Baptist Bible College in Oklahoma City, OK in 2020. She will be teaching violin and piano, along with group chorale class and a group music theory class. Riley participated in Nature Coast Chorale in middle school into high school, then later, with the choir at Heartland Baptist Bible College, the Hernando Symphony Orchestra, and the orchestra at Southwest Baptist Church in OK.


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