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Live Oak Conservatory Now Offers Class in Musical Theory

Live Oak Conservatory is offering an enjoyable class in Music Theory. The class is held on Monday afternoons from 4:00pm to 4:50pm at the Carol and Frank Morsani Center for the Arts, 21030 Cortez Boulevard, Brooksville, Florida, 34601.

Students from fourth grade through high school who wish to be efficient in reading music, as well as a wide range of musical skills are eligible. Students may join at any time. According to our instructor, Riley Mantonya, the class is structured so that it can be taken as far as one is willing to go - even the process of learning how to arrange and write music.

Throughout the class of music theory our goals are:

•Becoming efficient in reading music

•Learning about meter and rhythm

•Identifying and memorizing the chords and chord structures

•Learning our scales and key signatures

•And so much more!

“Music theory is an exciting way to learn the “how” and “why” of music. Whether an instrumentalist, vocalist, or looking to delve deep into arranging and writing music, music theory is a must,” says Riley.

About Riley Mantonya

Riley has been playing the piano since the first grade, and the violin since the second grade. She has been teaching private music lessons since she was 14 years old and has been involved in several community choirs and orchestras. While still in middle school, she served as first violin in the pit orchestra of Live Oak’s Fiddler on the Roof. Riley was, literally, the sound of “the fiddler.”

She received her bachelor's degree in music performance/education from Heartland Baptist Bible College in Oklahoma City, OK in 2020. She will be teaching violin and piano, along with group chorale class and a group music theory class. Riley participated in Nature Coast Chorale in middle school into high school, then later, with the choir at Heartland Baptist Bible College, the Hernando Symphony Orchestra, and the orchestra at Southwest Baptist Church in OK.

Tuition information is provided on the Live Oak Theatre & Conservatory website. Visit

To contact the Live Oak Conservatory email or call 352-593-0270. Follow us on Facebook at


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